23 dic 2011


for months we've been buying christmas lottery
and quietly imagining what we'd do if we actually won. 
well, today was the day. 
and i didn't win a single euro. none of my friends did.
so it was a fun morning of crashing dreams. 
laughs with a distant rumble of glass breaking inside every head.
We've talked about how we didn't really need the money, and how it's not such a huge prize, "you wouldn't be able to retire and live a happy jobless life"...
yeah yeah, we knew it was almost impossible but... that's the thing about the lottery, 
it makes you hopeful and lets your imagination fly.
with that idea they created this year "The square of Dreams" in Madrid. 
where people would go, write down their plans for the lottery prize in a little paper, and they would appear written on the huge balloons installed there. 

The effect was amazing. 
goose bumps + watery eyes

what would you do if you won the lottery?
Si señores, hoy NO nos ha tocado el gordo. 
En la oficina nos hemos reído todos y hemos contado lo que habríamos hecho si hubiésemos ganado, 
Hemos comentado que tampoco el gordo da para tanto.. "No te da para retirarte", como queriendo convencernos de que en realidad tampoco seríamos más felices, pero de lejos se oía un ruido como de cristales rompiéndose, de ilusiones inocentes chocando contra el asfalto. 
YA.. En el fondo sabíamos que no nos iba a tocar, pero es lo que tiene la lotería,
la ilusión. 
Con esta idea, se creó este año "la plaza de los Sueños" en Callao. Donde la gente podía escribir sus ilusiones en un papel, y éstas aparecían sobre unos enormes globos de colores allí situados. 

El efecto era impresionante. 
piel de gallina + ojos llorosillos. 

¿Tú que harías si ganaras la lotería?

[Radical Face - Wrapped in Piano Strings]


1 comentario:

  1. "that's the thing about the lottery, it makes you hopeful and lets your imagination fly. with that idea they created this year "The square of Dreams" in Madrid."

    What a fantastic idea. It reminds me a little of something I saw in Cologne, there were these Christmas trees there and children had hung their letters to Father Christmas on them. I'd never seen that done before, I thought it was wonderful.

    If I won the Lottery, I hope that I'd have enough sense to figure out what sum would guarantee me financial security for the rest of my life and set it aside. And unless I somehow managed to blow the rest of my winnings, I wouldn't touch that money. I'd also pay off my mortgage.

    But after that, the only things I can think of that I'd use the money for are gaming and travel. I'd never be without the latest PlayStation and if there was some painfully overpriced game that I really wanted to play, I'd just get it on release. No more waiting around for it to come down in price. And I'd love to go on more holidays. I'm not interested in luxury hotels and cruises, I'd just love to be able to find a bed and breakfast I like the look of, throw some clothes into a bag and just go.

    I can dream. :)
